Christian Leaders & Organizations

Websites & Design for Christian Voices

Many creative agencies are operated by teams that embrace Liberal (progressive) values. We are dedicated to upholding Christian and Conservative principles and will steadfastly advocate for our beliefs. TruthEra stands behind Christian organizations and leaders who champion the truth and defend our freedoms.

American flag for Republican website design
design for integrative functional doctors

Who we design websites for:

Christian Organizations, Influencers & Events

Here is a list of EXAMPLES showcasing the types of speakers, conference events, nonprofits, and podcasters we would design for:

Services We Offer

website design

Website Design

  • Design services
    • Easy to Edit CMS Websites
    • Landing Pages
    • Author Websites
    • Events with Ticket Sales
    • Blogs
    • Podcast Landing Pages
    • Book Sales
    • Events Calendar
    • Custom Website Development
    • Email Marketing
    • Ongoing Website Updates
  • Chosen website platform: Duda

    TruthEra builds websites in a hosted CMS called Duda. We have used many platforms over the years, and they each serve a purpose based on the needs of the business. We have found that Duda is perfect for a busy entrepreneur who doesn’t have a marketing team on staff. Plus Duda is outranking those other platforms in user experience! Maybe you’ve even tried building your own website and don’t know where to start. That’s where TruthEra comes in… Follow our guidance and your new site can be launched in a month!

logo design

Graphic Design

  • Design services
    • Logos
    • Brochures
    • Catalogs
    • Event Programs
    • Banners
    • Signage
    • Books Covers
    • Marketing Material
    • Social Media Graphics
    • Animated Graphics
    • Canva Templates
  • What is a wordmark?

    Our TruthEra logo is called a “Wordmark” and they are perfect for Influencers like you! A wordmark is a type of logo that only contains the name of a company or organization with text, without any other graphical elements. There are thousands of unique fonts available and we will choose the perfect one that gives off the vibe you’re going for – plus customize every letter to make it look perfect! 


Slide Decks

  • Presentation services
    • Presentations
    • Graphics
    • Google Slides
    • PowerPoint
    • Keynote
    • Prezi
    • Canva
  • More about slide decks

    TruthEra has designers with experience building slide decks for business owners, speakers, solopreneurs, and political campaigns. We will craft your deck using the platform of your preference, whether it’s Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote. 

    Make your presentation stand out and provide a visual to your audience!

health and wellness website design agency

You need a place to promote your business!

We can build out a user-friendly website that YOU can take over and manage. A website can offer the following opportunities for your personal brand or business:
  • Online store (ecommerce) to sell books, merchandise, digital downloads, and even coaching payments.
  • Blog 
  • Scheduler to book speaking or coaching events
  • Podcast library

Professional website in a stable platform!

website design and marketing for conservatives
Jesus is King

15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ... 25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. ”

Ephesians 4:15, 25 NIV